Treasured Hearts is a free mailing service that delivers a letter of encouragement to girls worldwide. We send girls from the ages of 13 onwards a letter and poster each month. Our goal is to spread the Word about Jesus Christ and build a community of Christian girls. A life with Jesus is truly the best, but sometimes, in this world, it can be difficult to navigate different moments in our lives, and that’s where we want to help. Our monthly letters can be nice for a wee bit of encouragement on our journey with Jesus and also, who doesn’t love a poster for their room?!
Welcome to Treasured Hearts!
A wee bit about me…
Hello everyone! I’m Kirstin, the girl behind Treasured Hearts who loves chatting away with you (via letters!). I started Treasured Hearts because I wanted something available for girls to have access to on their journey with Jesus or on their walk in life. I’m a Christian girlie, and I love serving God, and I hope you do too. If you’re reading this, do you want to know what he says about you? Spoiler alert. He LOVES you. Like loves you enough that he died for you. But anyway, I hope that the resources available with treasured hearts bring you closer to Jesus whilst also making your room look, cuter ofc!
Lots of Love,
Kirstin xx